вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

carmen mexico map

I just checked out my emails and got angry about one of them. Do you know "Svz - Sch�lerverzeichnis"? Well,itapos;s for people who go to school and you can leave comments there,upload pictures,write messages and stuff like this - just like other communities,I guess.So,I�got 5 Emails for this "community".And I just thought:"�Nah,how could that be ?" It annoys me really that people who I even donapos;t know link me on pictures like "Here you see me best friends".How can I�be best friend with someone I�even donapos;t know? Weird people.I always get the feeling that people just want to show how many "friends" theyapos;ve got on their lists - really annoying�In the beginning I�started to tell the people that they should not link me apos;cause I even donapos;t know them.But do you think they did it?�No.Well,I shouldnapos;t get mad about those stupid linkins anymore - I�just have to get used to it thatapos;s all..
Do you like fall? I think itapos;s nice somehow.I�like the trees changing their colors and the air is just smelling different - but good.
I�just donapos;t like the weather actually. It it so cold and I have no delight going out and do something because of it.I would love to go out and take pictures with my camera but - well - maybe today the weather will not be so freezing and I am actually able to go out in the end.But then,next problem:�I hate taking photos on my own.Itapos;s much funnier when you have company. But I have to say that doing it alone is nice,too. I�once did it with a "friend
" and it was not funny somehow.You know,you have to go out with someone you like �who likes you aswell.She really pissed me of by telling me how I�had to do everything. Itapos;s not I am a photography-fool,as you might think now. Sheapos;s not perfect,and I am not perfect either.But she kinda give you the feeling that youapos;re the worst idiot in world �that sheapos;s way better.Anyway,I have other friends to go out with,too.But this weather really makes you sick somehow.One hour ago it was raining here and everything just looked depressed and grey.Now it has stopped but the greyness is still there.Well,in about 30minutes I have to go outside and catch up my brother from the kindergarden. Should I take the camera with me?�Well,no.I�think,I will not pass anything interesting �if I do I�have the oppunity of going back there again - maybe not today.Usually my mum catches up my brother after work but sheapos;s ill stays in bed.So itapos;s my "job" to look after my brother apos;cause my father is working.Anyway,I canapos;t believe I am not dressed but still in pajamas.How weirdapos;s that?�Haha.I�hope,it will not rain apos;cause I have to ride with my bike there and I will get really wet then.But it looks like it will not rain in the next few minutes so - lucky me
Now I� have to get dressed and then go to kindergarden.Thumps up for me �the weather

carmen mexico map, carmen miami opera.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

bromuro de pinaverio

As of last night, all the old entries are officially friends-only.
Iapos;m strangely comfortable with this.
Iapos;m going to keep new entries public for a while,
giving my unfriended readers a heads-up as to whatapos;s coming.

If you arenapos;t on my flist, and you enjoy reading my journal,
shoot me a comment to be added.
If youapos;re willing, tell me why you enjoy reading my journal.
Iapos;d like to keep my journal interesting for those who care enough to speak up.

Hell, if Iapos;m in the business of making changes,
may as well make apos;em interesting, yeh?
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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

cloudscape database server

I am remarkably sanguine about everything from watching my so-called net worth plummet like a rocket-sled on rails, to coming in yesterday to the news that our CEO and four of his hand-picked VPs had suddenly "left by mutual agreement with the board." Oh yes, and there is restructuring (currently pegged by the WSJ at 20-25 of us being "outplaced") coming in the wake of the mess that fomented on their watch. I am watching all this and have no idea what it all means, and thus canapos;t really work up the agitation a lot of my coworkers seem to have. Insufficient data, and even if you had it, you couldnapos;t do anything about it anyway, so why let it affect you?

I feel like Iapos;m living in Historic Times. Itapos;s History, happening around me, the kind that goes into the books. It rouses a certain fascination and interest. I donapos;t feel alarmed at all. Itapos;s more like peering into a colony of army ants, seeing how it moves. Ah, a couple of them have latched onto your foot? Step back, and keep studying, but be aware of the hazard zone...

I canapos;t figure out where my head is on all this, except I have this urge to pop open a bottle of good wine (the amount of good wine consumed out of my personal stores in the past month is starting to become apparent). And I keep thinking of the woman at the Stevenot tasting room, all those years ago, commenting that you keep the really GOOD stuff not for special occasions, because those are already special, but for when life really sucks. I guess Iapos;m going to sit around with good friends and toast with the last of the Old Wineyards, as the War of the Ring looms. Plenty of time to worry about Mordor when the Orcs cross the Brandywine...
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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

braun food processor part

Dear Republicans,

I swear, if I�hear one more of you complaining about having your taxes raised Iapos;m going to lose it.� Letapos;s set aside the fact that Barack Obamaapos;s tax plan would not raise, but rather would cut taxes for 95 of working Americans making less than $250,000.� Even if he did intend to raise taxes for everyone, why do you think that would be necessary?� Perhaps it has something to do with with our record-setting national debt.� Perhaps it is due to the $10 billion a month we are still spending in Iraq.� Perhaps it is because the REPUBLICAN administration that has been in power for the last eight years has royally fucked our economy.� BLAME�YOURSELVES�for voting in that douchebag Dubya and BLAME�YOURSELVES�for wanting a carbon copy of him in the White House to complete a trifecta of disaster� I�know that will be hard because Republicans donapos;t like to take responsibility for much of anything, but I�can assure you that there is a reason that since the economy has gone tits up Barack Obama (a DEMOCRAT) is surging ahead in the polls.�

Charlotte Doyle

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Oregon voters

We are hearing a lot about the presidential race but thereapos;s some very important ballot measures, especially 59 and 64

YES on Measure 56: Restores power to those who participate in voting process by revoking double-majority requirement.

NO on Measure 58 (SIZEMORE SPONSORED):� Prohibits local public schools from teaching students in a language other than English for more than two years, regardless of circumstance.

NO on Measure 59 (SIZEMORE SPONSORED):� Seventy-five percent of taxpayers would see no benefit from this previously defeated constitutional amendment to make federal income taxes fully deductible on Oregon Returns. It would cut 2.4 billion in funding for education, public safety and healthcare

NO on Measure 60 (SIZEMORE SPONSORED):� Punishes teachers who take on challenging assignments by paying based solely on vague and undefined ldquo;classroom performance.rdquo;

NO on Measure 61 (MANNIX SPONSORED):� This one-size-fits-all approach to crime would require construction of at least three more prisions, costing 1.3 billion dollars, with no benefit in rehabilitation.

NO on Measure 62 (MANNIX SPONSORED):� Could mean job or pay cuts for members, larger classrooms, less supplies because would shift $175 million away from the State School Fund to public safety fund with little benefit.

NO on Measure 63 (SIZEMORE SPONSORED):� Exempts specified property owners from building permit requirements for improvements valued at/under $35,000, with no safety permits or inspections.

NO on Measure 64 (SIZEMORE SPONSORED):� Defeated four times in the past, this unfair and unnecessary measure would silence the voice of members by prohibiting public employees from utilizing payroll deduction for defined political activities.� This measure silences the voices of working people

NO on Measure 65:� Would shut out minor parties, and could leave a majory party without a candidate in a general election by having all candidates in a single primary, with the top two advancing.

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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

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Frans Hals.
Mijn fascinatie voor deze schilderer was al vroeg geboren. Zijn werken met licht en speelse gezichten vond ik al vroeg een boeiend spel.
Ook mijn tante die toen bij het Mauritshuis werkte was er gebiologeerd over. Een boek die mijn vader van haar kreeg over Frans Hals was heel erg mooi en heb ik in mijn jeugd vaker bekeken. Goh wat was ik ook trots op mijn tante dat ze daar in het Mauritshuis werkte. Daar ging ik na afloop van school vaker even langs.
Afgelopen zondag was er een televisie-uitzending over deze kunstenaar en ik heb er heerlijk naar gekeken. Mijn handen werden even de handen van Frans Hals. Ik werd als het ware in zijn emotie en in zijn leven geplaatst en zijn manier van schilderen was als een streling waarin hij de mensen met liefde benaderde. Kleurrijk en grappig, luchtig en vol gevoel.. Vele emoties passeerde de revue en ik heb heerlijk genoten van de schilderijen die zij toen lieten zien. De statige heren die hij als opdracht heeft gemaakt met de kanten kragen en mouwen zoals men die� toen droegen en dan toen hij ouder was de lossere werken, waarin hij gewone taferelen heeft geschilderd, zoals de gispy woman, die bijna impressionistisch kunnen zijn.
Een foto in het bijzonder raakte me. Het was de foto van een zigeuner meisje en het leek net alsof in in een ander persoon gezogen werd die ik kende. Het gezicht veranderde plots is het gezicht die ik kende en ik moest een paar keer kijken of het echt zo was.
Ik heb even genoten omdat ik even Frans Hals mocht zijn en zijn leven mocht bekijken vanuit zijn ogen en vanuit zijn passie. Als een kadootje werd het mij geschonken.

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change dynamic ip

Character surveys for dim, non-introspective characters donapos;t make for very interesting livejournal reading.

21. Do you use body language? How?
What, you mean flipping people off? Yeah, I do that all the time.

54. How much do you respect the beliefs and opinions of others?
A lot, as long as theyapos;re right.

99. What three words would you use to best describe your personality?
. . . Awesome Kwaikiutl shaman? Thatapos;s three words, right? Or, wait. Iapos;m . . . Fucking . . . Awesome? Thatapos;s three words too, right?

100. What three words would others probably use to describe you?
. . . Sheapos;s fucking awesome?

Oh, Two Wolves. Youapos;re possibly the dimmest character Iapos;ve ever played.
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понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.


I remember when having fun was about getting together with some friends and going down to the beach, or going for a walk in the park or going up into the mountains and having a snowball fight :)�� Whatever happened to those days? Just grabbing someone and driving to somewhere, anywhere and having fun doing it? Now everybodyapos;s idea of fun is drinking, partying and doing drugs? wth...when was that any fun?� Hell id take swinging in a park over going to a rave anyday, but thats just me, i guess i grew up without knowing it lol.� Yes..i do know people who like that stuff, its not a put down, just a difference in opinion on what constitutes someones idea of fun.� i like hanging out at night at the beach, its quiet and you can hear the slight breeze waft by and hear the swells of water hitting the sand on the beach, or driving down the road with all the cityapos;s multi-colored lights shining all around you, without millions of people and cars everywhere, or sitting up on a moutain, watching puffs of steamy breath floating upwards as you lay on the hood of your car looking up at the stars...i miss those days.� Goofing around, without the responsibilities of adulthood dampering the fun.� Lol..i do admit to liking the occasional jaunt to do those things even know, but its harder to do with everyone having lives and jobs, to do things like that at the drop of a hat.� i guess thats why i look forward to camping every summer, to get away, relax, forget about work, and for a brief time be the little kid i enjoy being.� Hanging out, fishing or hiking, sitting around the campfire, making coffee or bbqapos;ing hotdogs and marshmallows and talking about the "good old days" when we were all about having fun.� LMAO i remember when me and a female friend streaked across a� football field just for kicks in the sprinklers, but i guess everyone has there idea of fun..and these are just mine :)

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chicken curry hurry in

I got a new keyboard for my computer. Itapos;s a Logitech media keyboard with a bunch of special keys for starting my e-mail program and web browser and all kinds of other stuff. Itapos;s pretty cool, especially considering it was on clearance at work for $5.

But thereapos;s always an adjustment period when breaking in a new piece of equipment. The problem Iapos;m having is that some of the keys are in completely different places than Iapos;m used to. Not the main ones, obviously, but ones like the Home key, or the End key, or the Insert key...you get the idea.

I touch type (more or less) so I got used to knowing where the keys were. Now I have to retrain my fingers. Oh well. Itapos;s a nice quiet keyboard and hey, it was only $5.

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